News + Media

In The News
Inside Climate News | Jun 04, 2012
By: Katherine Bagley While the national climate debate is fixed on whether Earth is warming, climate scientists are focused on understanding how bad it will be. The global warming debate in Congress, the states and on the campaign trail centers on two issues: Is Earth warming, and if so are...
Researcher Highlight
Jun 01, 2012

Selin looks at the pathways by which mercury reaches the environment and the effect it has on human health once it gets there. She also analyzes the steps regulators could take — and in some cases have taken — to prevent further contamination.

In The News
Associated Press | May 31, 2012
The world’s air has reached what scientists call a troubling new milestone for carbon dioxide, the main global warming pollutant. Monitoring stations across the Arctic this spring are measuring more than 400 parts per million of the heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere. The number isn’t quite a...
News Release • China Energy & Climate Project
MIT News | May 24, 2012

Research shows China’s impact on climate change, as well as its potential to shape the path forward.

As climate negotiators wrap-up talks in Bonn, Germany, this week, a major point of contention is who needs to do what to slow global warming. Nations such as China and the United States have held back from making substantial emission reduction pledges in the past, as both nations waited for the...
gas power
In The News
EnergyWire | May 23, 2012
The dramatic decoupling of crude oil and natural gas prices in 2009 has created a riddle of profound importance to energy investors and company balance sheets, two Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers conclude in a new study.
gas well
News Release
MIT News | May 22, 2012
Traditionally, oil prices have been used to gauge the natural gas market; but new research shows that the future of what is currently a cheap fuel is really anyone's guess. Natural gas prices neared the lowest they've been in about a decade this past winter, as utilities scrambled to take...
Researcher Highlight
May 15, 2012

Henry Jacoby co-leads a key study on natural gas, a fuel that has become the largest U.S. energy story in decades.

Researcher Highlight
New York Times | May 02, 2012


Researcher Highlight
The Power Generation | May 01, 2012
Caleb Waugh, co-president of MIT’s Energy Club and a doctoral student in nuclear science and engineering, says that energy is the defining challenge of this generation.
Recent Event
MIT News | Apr 26, 2012

New York Times’ Andrew Revkin shares lessons with MIT faculty, students at Earth Day colloquium.

By: Vicki Ekstrom

Using new ways to confront persistent challenges is one of MIT’s greatest strengths, and an idea reinforced in regard to climate change by the New York Times writer Andrew Revkin, author of the Dot Earth blog.
