News + Media

In The News
Channel News Asia | Jan 21, 2014
Channel News Asia interviews Michael Davidson on the Business Central show. Michael Davidson is Research Assistant for the China Energy and Climate Project and a doctoral student in the Engineering Systems Division.
Jan 21, 2014

Almost 100% of climate scientists now say global warming is caused by human behavior and that action now is a moral imperative for future generations. But public perception is moving the other way, with fewer Americans worried, despite recent extreme weather conditions here and around the world...

water hut
News Release
MIT News | Jan 08, 2014
Alli Gold Roberts MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Population growth and increasing social pressures on global water resources have required communities around the globe to focus on the future of water availability. Global climate change is expected to further exacerbate...
polar vortex
In The News
The Hill | Jan 06, 2014
By Laura Barron-Lopez Global warming may be contributing to the "polar vortex" causing frigid temperatures across most of the nation on Monday, according to some climate change researchers. While it seems counter-intuitive, the research argues that plunging temperatures could come from changes in...
air pollution
News Release
MIT News | Dec 23, 2013
Alli Gold Roberts MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Despite global treaties and national regulations limiting toxic chemicals known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs), many of these chemicals still remain in the environment for long periods of time and accumulate in...
News Release
MIT News | Dec 20, 2013
Alli Gold Roberts MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Policies to curb greenhouse gas emissions will come at a cost to energy producers, industry and consumers. Policymakers around the globe are working to determine the most effective and cost efficient way to reduce these...
In The News
AP | Dec 17, 2013
Oceans cover 97 percent of the Earth’s surface, and act as an important carbon sink. However, each part of the ocean works in different ways to take up carbon from the atmosphere and store it. Two new studies shed light on the nuances how these processes work in the Arctic Ocean and coastal zones....
Hansen photo of Arctic
In The News
Nature World News | Dec 06, 2013
The Arctic Ocean has has long been known as a carbon sink, but a new study suggests that while the frigid waters do store large quantities of carbon, parts of the ocean also emit atmospheric carbon dioxide. Researchers from MIT constructed a model to simulate the effect of sea ice loss in the...
In The News
MIT News | Dec 04, 2013
Jennifer Chu, MIT News Office For the past three decades, as the climate has warmed, the massive plates of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean have shrunk: In 2007, scientists observed nearly 50 percent less summer ice than had been seen in 1980. Dramatic changes in ice cover have, in turn, altered the...
News Release
MIT News | Dec 02, 2013
Vicki Ekstrom MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change As countries try to protect their domestic air carriers from a European Union proposal that would put a price on the emissions they release over European airspace, the global aviation industry is working to curb those...
