News + Media

In The News
Nature Climate Change | Jan 16, 2015

Anna Petherick writes for Nature Climate Change about emissions pledges from the United States and China for, including emissions projections from China Energy and Climate Project.

Anna Petherick writes for Nature Climate Change about emissions pledges from the United States and China for, including emissions projections from China Energy and Climate Project. Read the full column ...
News Release
Jan 15, 2015

MIT study evaluates the impacts of a large-scale bioenergy ramp-up.

In The News
EE News | Jan 15, 2015

 via E&E News

Amanda Peterka | E&E reporter Bioenergy production would boom and spur steep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions if a global price is slapped on carbon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers say in a report released today. Examining bioenergy production under a $15-per-metric-ton...
Dara Entekhabi
News Release
MIT Joint Program | Jan 12, 2015
    Photo: Dara Entekhabi, courtesy of Len Rubenstein, MIT Spectrum   by Audrey Resutek | MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change On January 29, 2015, a Delta II rocket launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base will carry the...
Researcher Highlight
Jan 12, 2015

Entekhabi has spent his career learning about the Earth through collecting data, and the information collected by his new NASA Earth monitor will fill a major gap in our understanding.

Dec 29, 2014

Graduate Student and Rwandan native Jimmy Gasore and Research Scientist Kat Potter are working to establish Africa’s first climate observatory. In this video, they talk with MIT’s Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences group about the project.

Dec 29, 2014

Ronald G. Prinn, the TEPCO Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry, Director of the Center for Global Change Science and Codirector of the Joint Program on Science and Policy of Global Change at MIT, talks with MIT’s Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences group about the Rwandan Climate...

In The News • China Energy & Climate Project
Link to Article | Dec 10, 2014

The announcement of a joint pledge to cut emissions between the world's two largest carbon emitters: the United States and China, made global headlines when it was announced in November. In this interview, Valerie Karplus, an asssistant professor in MIT's Sloan School of Managment, discusses the details of the deal.

by Jesse Jenkins | The Energy Collective Jesse Jenkins: Even before world leaders descended on Lima, Peru this week for United Nations-sponsored climate negotiations, climate diplomacy made global headlines with the joint announcement of a partnership between the world's two largest carbon emitters...
Student Spotlight
Dec 08, 2014

“The challenge is, how can we create enough energy to support so many people in a sustainable way?” For Zhang, part of the solution is renewable energy.

Researcher Highlight
Dec 05, 2014

“Looking back, my interest in China developed out of spending a lot of time around people who were really passionate about the possibilities for their country,” Karplus says. “Working with colleagues in China over all of these years, I feel like the country has become a part of my own story.” ...
