News + Media

Around Campus
MIT News | Sep 25, 2017

Climate scientist describes physics behind expected increase in storm strength due to climate change

David L. Chandler | MIT News Office  September 21, 2017

In a detailed talk about the history and the underlying physics of hurricanes and tropical cyclones, MIT Professor Kerry Emanuel yesterday explained why climate change will cause such storms to become much stronger and reach peak...

In The News
MIT ClimateX | Sep 25, 2017

In Episode 11 of MIT ClimateX Climate Conversations, MIT Joint Program research scientists Élodie Blanc and Erwan Monier discuss how climate modeling and collaborative research are used to assess climate impacts on regional agriculture, the economy and industry

MIT ClimateX:

"This week, the climate conversations team are joined by Élodie Blanc and Erwan Monier, research scientists at MIT who are investigating the way climate change affects the amount of water available for agriculture.

We discuss how climate modelling and collaborative...

Around Campus
MIT News | Sep 25, 2017

In MIT’s Compton Lecture, former U.S. energy secretary speaks on global security risks

David L. Chandler | MIT News Office  September 22, 2017

Ernest J. Moniz, who in January left his position as the 13th U.S. Secretary of Energy, spoke on Thursday about his long and ongoing history at MIT, and about his current work focusing on two major threats the world faces: nuclear...

News Brief
Sep 15, 2017
Valerie Karplus contributes to special issue of the journal Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy

China's cap-and-trade system is expected to launch by the end of 2017.

In The News
NowThis News | Sep 12, 2017

MIT Joint Program Co-Director John Reilly, former U.S. Vice President Albert Gore and other experts explore extreme implications of climate change in a video in the NowThis: Apocalypse online series 

MIT Joint Program Co-Director John Reilly, former U.S. Vice President Albert Gore and other experts explore extreme implications of climate change in Meltdown Earth, a video in the NowThis: Apocalypse online series. The video description reads: "Rising ocean waters, scorching temperatures, food...

Sep 12, 2017

MIT Joint Program Co-Director John Reilly, former U.S. Vice President Albert Gore and other experts explore extreme implications of climate change in Meltdown Earth, a video in the NowThis: Apocalypse online series. The video description reads: "Rising ocean waters, scorching temperatures, food...

Around Campus
MIT News | Sep 07, 2017

Harry Brekelmans says Shell has significant commitment to renewable energy, carbon pricing

David L. Chandler | MIT News Office  September 7, 2017

Harry Brekelmans, the projects and technology director for Royal Dutch Shell, one of the world’s leading oil and gas companies and a founding member of the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI), on Wednesday met with groups of MIT students...

Around Campus
MIT News | Sep 05, 2017

Colorado forest study provides clearest-ever picture of gases released into the atmosphere and how they change

David L. Chandler | MIT News Office  September 4, 2017

For a few weeks over the summer in 2011, teams of scientists from around the world converged on a small patch of ponderosa pine forest in Colorado to carry out one of the most detailed, extended survey of atmospheric chemistry ever...

Prinn_Kolkata.jpg (
In The News

MIT Joint Program Co-Director Ronald Prinn, in India to deliver climate change lecture, comments in The Economic Times. (Related: Times of IndiaBusiness Standard)

Kolkata: Atmospheric scientist and MIT Professor Ronald G. Prinn, whose group's findings the Donald Trump administration used to justify pulling out of the Paris climate agreement, hopes the US exit from the accord is temporary and says any way in which countries like India can help get the US...

News Release
Aug 21, 2017
Pledges to catalyze opportunities for continuous improvement in sustainability of commodity crop production

The MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change announced today that it has joined Field to Market®: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, a leading multi-stakeholder initiative working to unite the agricultural supply chain in defining, measuring and advancing the...
