News + Media

Jan 17, 2018

Political values and priorities drive climate policy. Co-leaders use examples from the European Union and African countries to highlight the very real challenges of designing effective climate policy.

Jan 17, 2018

Embedded within the climate system are many nonlinear feedback systems and possible tipping points , making prediction of future climate difficult. Co-leaders of this session discuss such mechanisms of the climate system; Earth-system models; the role of clouds, oceans, land cover and biology in...

Jan 16, 2018

In order to develop effective strategies to combat climate change, policymakers must be able to address the economics of implementation, risk uncertainty and information assessment. This session provides a brief overview of these tools and their relationship to the foundation of climate policy...

Jan 16, 2018

An overview of climate science: what comprises climate, relevant factors in the climate system, and how the climate has changed in the past versus how it is changing now.

News Brief
Jan 11, 2018
Joint Program projects advance water and food security

Over the past three years, J-WAFS seed funding has catalyzed a diverse portfolio of MIT research relevant to water and food—spanning fundamental science, engineering and technology, supply chains, big data, business models, development efforts, economics, urban design and infrastructure, and...

Missile Pumpers_WEB.jpg
News Release
MIT News | Jan 11, 2018
Analytical method could enable more accurate energy scenarios

When global oil prices declined dramatically in 2014 and 2015, leading energy analysts expected that oil production in the United States—consisting primarily of “tight oil” extracted from rock formations by means of massive hydraulic fracturing—would likewise decrease due to relatively high...

Jan 01, 2018

New toolset of crop-yield emulators enables computationally efficient assessment of environmental impacts on crop yields at national and regional scales, which can be used to advance integrated assessment research addressing land-use change.

Jan 01, 2018

The source code of the MIT Earth System Model is publicly available for non-commercial research and educational purposes via github (i.e. Under this open source protocol, we have also established a software license through the MIT Technology Licensing Office. As the...

In The News
BBC World Service | Dec 27, 2017

MIT Joint Program Research Scientist Kenneth Strzepek shares expertise in BBC World Service Newsday interview, starting at 31:12

Photo: Rendering of GERD (Photo courtesy of International Rivers)

Around Campus
MIT News | Dec 27, 2017

Research shows the Clean Air Act was likely responsible for a dramatic decline in atmospheric organic aerosol

Carolyn Schmitt | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering  December 25, 2017
