News + Media

Around Campus
MIT News | Oct 13, 2020

The atmospheric chemist shared the Nobel Prize for the discovery that chemicals known as CFCs deplete the ozone layer

News Release
Auburn University | Oct 07, 2020

Nature paper co-authors include Joint Program Director Ronald Prinn and Collaborator Hanqin Tian (lead) (Coverage: The Guardian, The Conversation)

Published: October 07, 2020

Teri Greene | School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences

Rising anthropogenic nitrous oxide emissions are jeopardizing climate goals and the Paris Accord, a study published in Nature and led by an Auburn University researcher has found.

In The News
The Independent | Oct 02, 2020

The US is the first country to formally withdraw from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement (The Independent)

Towards the end of Tuesday night’s fractious presidential debate, moderator Chris Wallace dropped in a surprise question on the climate crisis, leading both candidates to lay out their opposing stances on the Paris Climate Accord. “If you look at the Paris Accord, it was a disaster from our...

News Release

Website features accessible "Explainers" by MIT Joint Program researchers and other MIT climate experts

Stepping up its ongoing efforts to inform and empower the public on the issue of climate change, MIT today announced a dramatic overhaul of the MIT Climate Portal,, which provides timely, science-based information about the causes and consequences of climate change — and what can...

Around Campus
MIT News | Oct 01, 2020

Study suggests sea ice blocks the flow of carbon both into and out of the ocean, in roughly equal measure

The Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica is a region where many of the world’s carbon-rich deep waters can rise back up to the surface. Scientists have thought that the vast swaths of sea ice around Antarctica can act as a lid for upwelling carbon, preventing the gas from breaking through the...

News Release
Sep 29, 2020
Aggressive climate policy could boost EV market share, halve roadway emissions by 2050

The electrification of private cars and light trucks—the vast majority of which are now powered by internal combustion engines (ICEs)—will be critical to efforts to keep global warming well below 2°C or 1.5°C, the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. Replacing today’s fleet of gasoline and...

News Release
Sep 17, 2020
Collaboration to advance science-based financial decision-making

Cambridge, Mass., September 17, 2020—Recognizing the critical value of scientific research and risk and policy analysis to its financial management strategy, V-Square Quantitative Management (VSQM) has joined the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change as a program sponsor....

News Release
Sep 15, 2020
Cheap shale gas could prolong energy transition

According to the United States Energy Information Agency, a boom in shale gas extraction led to a dramatic decline in coal use in the U.S. power sector within a single decade. Between 2007 and 2016, the nation’s coal-fired generation and consumption fell by nearly 40 percent, replaced largely by...

In The News
PV Magazine | Sep 08, 2020

Taking Russia as an example, an MIT study has examined the likely impact on oil, gas and coal exports and the opportunities the energy transition could offer (PV Magazine)

For fossil fuel-dependent economies, the energy transition raises a lot of questions. With many nations starting to work towards ambitious 2030 and mid-century decarbonization targets, in line with the goals of the Paris agreement, countries which have built their economies around fossil fuel...

Yale Climate Connections | Sep 08, 2020

Journalists, moderators and the public have an important opportunity to question the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the upcoming TV debates

By Gary Yohe, Henry Jacoby, Ben Santer, and Richard Richels | Friday, September 4, 2020

Three debates between the presidential candidates and one between the vice presidential candidates are scheduled before Americans vote for the next U.S. President on November 3.
