News + Media

Recent Event
Jun 24, 2021
Six MIT Joint Program researchers and collaborators serve as presenters and moderators

To reach the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, future energy use scenarios are increasingly reliant on negative emission technologies. Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage has been acknowledged as an important possible pathway to generate negative emissions.

T&D World | Jun 09, 2021

While electrification of light-duty vehicles can contribute significantly to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, a more comprehensive approach is needed to complete the job (T&D World)


Electrification of Light-Duty Vehicles — A Partial Solution for Decarbonization

While electrification of light-duty vehicles can contribute significantly to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, a more comprehensive approach is needed to complete the job.


News Release
Imperial College London | Jun 08, 2021

MIT Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev to serve as co-principal investigator on "Nature-based solutions for accelerating climate action," one of seven projects supported by the Imperial-MIT seed fund (Imperial College London) (Additional coverage: IAMC)

The winners of the latest Imperial-MIT seed fund have been announced at a virtual reception hosted at the British Consulate in Boston.

The researchers from Imperial College London and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) will collaborate to pursue...

Around Campus
MIT J-WAFS | Jun 08, 2021

Ten principal investigators from seven MIT departments and labs will receive up to $150,000 for two years, overhead-free, for innovative research on global food and water challenges

The Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab (J-WAFS) at MIT has announced its seventh round of seed grant funding to the MIT community. J-WAFS is MIT’s Institute-wide initiative to promote, coordinate, and lead research related to water and food that will have a measurable and...

In The News
Climate Now | Jun 08, 2021

PODCAST: The MIT Joint Program deputy director discusses climate projections and the tools he and his colleagues use to communicate projected outcomes to policymakers and the public (Climate Now)

Climate Projections with Sergey Paltsev

Dr. Sergey Paltsev, Deputy Director of MIT’s Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, spoke with Climate Now hosts James Lawler and Katherine Gorman about climate projections and the tools he and his colleagues at MIT use to communicate...

The Hill | May 30, 2021

A commentary by Joint Program Director Ronald Prinn (The Hill)

The physical risks of climate change are not just looming in the future but have already become very evident today. Projections of rising global temperatures in a just-released World Meteorological Organization report, along with observations from recent years, underscore that the climate system...

News Release
May 24, 2021
2021 Global Change Outlook shows how more aggressive policies can sharply reduce climate risk

Read the 2021 Outlook  |  Read Key Findings  |  Download Data Tables

In The News
AgWired | May 21, 2021
Report co-author/ Joint Program Co-Director Emeritus John Reilly explained how agriculture has the greatest stake in climate change, but also the greatest ability to reduce emissions in a variety of ways (AgWired)

A new report commissioned by Farm Journal Foundation finds U.S. farmers have the potential to significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and become part of the global solution to climate change.

News Release
Farm Journal Foundation | May 20, 2021
New report shows how U.S. agriculture can fight climate change
New Report Shows How U.S. Agriculture Can Fight Climate Change


Around Campus
MIT School of Science | May 20, 2021

MIT professor describes her path to the Institute, her work on ozone depletion, and her insights on the state of climate policy

Susan Solomon, an atmospheric chemist whose work explaining the Antarctic ozone hole informed international policy, has received the 2020-2021 James R. Killian, Jr. Faculty Achievement Award. The highest such honor at the Institute, the award was established in 1971 to honor Killian, who served...
