News + Media

Jun 25, 2010

Henry Jacoby, Tony Meggs, and Ernest Moniz

Jun 24, 2010

Tribute to MIT Joint Program Co-Founder and Co-Director Henry D. "Jake" Jacoby.

Speakers: Ronald Prinn, William Pounds, Mort Webster, Brian Flannery, Paul Eckbo, Arlie Sterling, Ian Sue Wing, Martin Zimmerman, and John Reilly

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3 Questions
MIT News | Jun 07, 2010
As U.N. negotiations begin this week on a global mercury treaty, an MIT atmospheric scientist explains the challenges ahead. The first United Nations negotiating session for a global, legally binding mercury treaty begins today in Stockholm. Continuing through Friday, this is the first of five...
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MIT News | Mar 19, 2010
If we double the Earth’s greenhouse gases, how much will the temperature change? That’s what this number tells you. (This is the second part of an "Explained" on climate change. Part one dealt with radiative forcing.) Climate...
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MIT News | Mar 17, 2010
A curriculum built around a rotating-tank experiment could improve weather and climate education In recent years, U.S. undergraduates have shown an increasing interest in introductory meteorology, oceanography and climate classes. But many students find it difficult to grasp the non-intuitive...
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MIT News | Mar 12, 2010
MIT analysis suggests generating electricity from large-scale wind farms could influence climate — and not necessarily in the desired way Wind power has emerged as a viable renewable energy source in recent years — one that proponents say could lessen the threat of global warming. Although the...
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MIT News | Mar 10, 2010
When there's more energy radiating down on the planet than there is radiating back out to space, something’s going to have to heat up. (This is the first of a two-part "Explained" on the scientific concepts underlying the concept of the greenhouse effect and global climate change. Part two deals...
Nature Magazine Cover Image
MIT News | Feb 26, 2010
Intense hurricane activity millions of years ago may have caused and sustained warmer climate conditions, new research suggests A question central to research on global warming is how warmer temperatures caused by increased greenhouse gases could influence climate. Probing the past for clues about...
Feb 05, 2010

Moderator: Ernest J. Moniz Robert N. Stavins Michael Greenstone Stephen Ansolabehere Edward S. Steinfeld Henry D. Jacoby John Sterman PhD '82

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MIT News | Dec 15, 2009
VIDEO of Climategate discussionEvent and participant details At Dec. 10 forum, MIT faculty experts discussed what 'Climategate' really means for climate...
