News + Media

MIT Excellence Awards | Mar 01, 2011
n a ceremony to take place on Tuesday, March 1, from 3-5 pm at Kresge Auditorium, MIT will honor PAOC member Chris Hill for his work as part of an MIT team building a high performance computing center in Holyoke, MA -...

Boston Museum of Science Podcasts | Feb 11, 2011
Joint Program students and researchers speak with the Boston Museum of Science on NOAA's announcement that 2010 was the hottest year on record.
Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration...

Mechanical Engineering magazine | Jan 10, 2011
The way we power our homes and cars and factories is one of the most important choices our society faces. Perhaps it’s the push of climate change, air pollution, resource depletion, and national security. Or maybe it’s the pull of new technologies and newfound energy supplies that may be cheap and...

Student Spotlight
Jan 01, 2011
“Do you want to do something that’s resilient? That means plan for the worst scenario, because if the worst case happens and you’re not prepared then you’re in really bad shape. Or, do you want to be economically efficient? Then you should plan somewhere in the middle…You could also be the guy...
Climate CoLab 2010 Contest | Nov 30, 2010
A Realistic Climate Proposal Selected For Judge's Choice Award
A team of students at MIT working at the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change created a...

MIT News | Nov 24, 2010
Researchers model the effects of competition for global water resources on agriculture
Allison Crimmins, MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
As the globe’s population increases and people become wealthier, agricultural production will need to likewise increase. But food...

Nov 09, 2010
Moderator: Richard Samuels Panelists: Barry Posen Henry D. Jacoby Simon Johnson

3 Questions
MIT News | Nov 03, 2010
Peter Dizikes, MIT News Office
As deficit hawks appear poised for victory at the polls, the MIT economics professor presents the case for more spending on infrastructure and R&D.
Government deficit spending has been a contentious issue during this year’s U.S. mid-term election campaigns. Yet...

MIT News | Nov 01, 2010
Presidential science adviser calls for increased energy R&D to create jobs and boost business; supports conclusions of MIT nuclear study.
David L. Chandler, MIT News Office
The two toughest challenges the nation faces in terms of energy, according to presidential science adviser John Holdren ’...