News + Media

In The News
Washington Post | Aug 27, 2012
By: Brad Plumer
With the United States facing the expiration of a slew of tax cuts in 2013—the dread “fiscal cliff”—there has been plenty of interest in offbeat...

In The News
The Hill | Aug 27, 2012
By: Zack Colman
Taxing carbon would generate $1.5 trillion, potentially giving politicians cover from making politically difficult decisions on taxes and social spending cuts, according to a study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) released Monday.
A carbon tax would take pressure...

Politico | Aug 26, 2012
Read the news release on this report.
Read the study's coverage in the Washington Post Here,...

In The News
NY Times | Jul 26, 2012
In a study published online by the journal Science, Harvard University scientists reported that some storms send water vapor miles into the stratosphere — which is normally drier than a desert — and showed how such...

Recent Event • China Energy & Climate Project
Center for Global Change Science | Jul 16, 2012
The inescapable importance of China to global energy and climate efforts has compelled the Joint Program—in collaboration with Tsinghua University—to launch a special research effort called the China Energy and Climate Project.

News Release
MIT News | Jun 25, 2012
A growing population and rapid development will put a strain on land used to grow food over this century. But if reforestation is used to avoid climate change it will create further strain, says a new MIT study.
It’s no surprise that the United States and China are the world’s top greenhouse-gas...

In The News
Discovery News | Jun 19, 2012
By Eric Niiler
As world leaders gather to assess the planet's health, most reports are gloomy, save for a couple bits of good news....

News Release
MIT News | Jun 18, 2012
NREL-MIT study shows an 80 percent renewable energy standard cuts water use in half.
In his first State of the Union address, President Barack Obama set a goal for 80 percent of America's electricity to come from clean energy. Last week, the release of the Renewable Electricity Future study by the U.S. National...

Researcher Highlight
Link to Article | Jun 15, 2012
MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change co-director and TEPCO professor of atmospheric science Ron Prinn was recently interviewed on his latest publication released today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The report, “...

News Release
MIT News | Jun 13, 2012
IMF-MIT study shows immediate – but realistic – actions are needed to confront climate change.
As global leaders prepare to gather for the Rio+20 sustainable development summit in Brazil next week, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a collection of economists from MIT and other organizations has released a report to help leaders confront...