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Dr. Tammy Thompson, postdoctoral associate from the MIT Joint Program for the Science and Policy of Global Change, will be speaking at a press conference held by the Texas Sierra Club at the Houston City Hall on Tuesday, July 19, 10:00am. Dr. Thompson wil be speaking on air pollution in Texas. For...
Joint Program Logo
Brookings | Jul 11, 2011
As the world economy attempts to balance burgeoning energy demand with lower carbon emissions, natural gas has become a central pillar of energy strategy in both the developed and developing world. Advances in exploration and production technology have led to newly abundant sources of “...
MIT News | Jun 16, 2011
At MIT, former Michigan governor touts new bipartisan initiatives to make the U.S. the world’s clean-energy champ. David L. Chandler, MIT News Office In a spirited talk at MIT, former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm presented a plan for a bipartisan initiative that she said could help the...
Jun 14, 2011

Moderator: Ronald G. Prinn MIT President Susan Hockfield Governor Deval Patrick Governor Jennifer Granholm

MIT News | Jun 13, 2011
    The cleanest of fossil fuels, it is far more abundant than previously thought and can have significant impact at little cost, MIT study finds.David L. Chandler, MIT News Office     Natural gas is...
By ANDREW C. REVKIN The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has released “The Future of Natural Gas,” the latest in its valuable series of reports examining global energy choices. The report lays out a path for exploiting this abundant and relatively clean source of energy in ways that could...
Joint Program Logo
MIT News | Jun 09, 2011
With rising energy prices, could coal-to-liquid conversion become an economical fuel option? Converting coal into liquid fuels is known to be more costly than current energy technologies, both in terms of production costs and the amount of greenhouse gases the process emits. Production of coal-to-...
Joint Program Logo
MIT News | Jun 08, 2011
    Researchers find that a federal climate policy would lower total U.S. emissions, but without large reductions in the aviation sector.Aviation is one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide, and with this growth comes a rise in greenhouse gas emissions. An economy-wide cap-and-trade policy...
China ozone
MIT News | Jun 06, 2011
Hear Noelle Selin discuss air pollution in China on Danish Radio. (Interview in Danish) How costly are the health damages from air pollution in China? China has experienced unprecedented development over...
