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News Brief
Jul 25, 2018
Results from the latest version of MESM compare favorably with those produced by more computationally intensive models

The future of the Earth’s energy, water and land resources will depend, in part, on how the climate will change in coming decades. To generate meaningful projections of global climate change, one must take into account two major sources of uncertainty—first, in the level of external forcings to...

News Release
MIT News | Jul 24, 2018
MIT Joint Program researchers assess impact of Paris climate commitments on a national economy

On first glance, it could be a tall order for Turkey to fulfill its Paris Agreement pledge, which targets a reduction in the nation’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 21 percent in 2030 below business-as-usual levels. Fossil fuels comprise nearly all of Turkey’s energy mix, and low-carbon...

Nature | Jul 18, 2018

Applying carbon charges, not trade tariffs, to imports would bolster the Paris Agreement, argue Michael Mehling and colleagues. (Nature) [Coverage: Inside Climate News]

Two huge multilateral issues — free trade and climate change — top policymakers’ agendas in 2018. This offers a chance to couple them.

More and more countries are shielding domestic producers from foreign competition — a process known as protectionism. Since January, US President Donald...

In The News
Knowledge@Wharton | Jul 03, 2018

Joint Program faculty affiliate Valerie Karplus and experts at Duke and Wharton discuss her new study on environmental regulation compliance in China

A new paper published earlier this month by the National Academy of Sciences has found a patchy and troubling record for coal-fired power plants in China in their compliance with the country’s anti-pollution laws. It found inconsistencies between pollution data recorded by plant-level continuous...

Jul 01, 2018

New emulator enables more rigorous assessments of regional and global water, land, energy and economy interactions.

Jul 01, 2018

Improved MIT Earth System Model an effective tool for analyzing climate risk to energy, water and land resources

In The News

Joint Program faculty affiliate Noelle Selin: Health co-benefits could be an added incentive for individual countries to take action on climate. (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)  Radio Report

Australia is missing out on billions in short-term health savings that could come with tougher greenhouse emission targets, experts say.
News Release
MIT News | Jun 22, 2018
Study highlights economic losses for participating countries

On June 14 the Trump administration announced new tariffs on $50 billion of Chinese goods, which prompted China to launch retaliatory measures in a trade war it claims the U.S. has started. A few days later, the U.S.

News Release
MIT News | Jun 19, 2018
Following the Paris accord could reduce risk of severe water-access problems, researchers find

Even “modest” action to limit climate change could help prevent the most extreme water-shortage scenarios facing Asia by the year 2050, according to a new study led by MIT researchers.

The study takes an inventive approach to modeling the effects of both climate change and economic growth...

News Release
Jun 19, 2018
Modeling advance enables more efficient and precise estimates

The ability to separate out a distinct signal from ambient noise in reams of scientific data is critical to detecting a meaningful trend or turning point in the data. That’s especially true when it comes to identifying signals of improving or declining air quality trends, whose magnitude can be...
