JP News & Outreach

News Release
MIT News | May 11, 2018

Choices by consumers and farmers can help limit global warming, but climate change may also curtail those choices in the future

News Release
MIT News | May 03, 2018
Why reducing biomass burning is not enough
News Release
The biannual newsletter of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
News Release
MIT News | Apr 26, 2018
Combining art and science to envision the global food system under climate change
News Release • China Energy & Climate Project
MIT News | Apr 23, 2018
A 4 percent reduction per year in carbon dioxide emissions should net $339 billion in health savings in 2030, researchers estimate
News Release
MIT News | Apr 17, 2018
Study projects likely impacts on food prices, bioenergy production and deforestation
News Brief

On International Journalism Festival panel, MIT Joint Program Co-Director John Reilly highlights challenges and strategies for impactful climate change reporting

News Release
Apr 12, 2018
Joint Program Research Scientist Kenneth Strzepek highlights need for collaborative solutions on Tufts Water: Systems, Science and Society Symposium panel
News Release
MIT News | Apr 06, 2018
Several different carbon-pricing approaches would help reduce emissions, and some would be fair as well, researchers report
