Joint Program In the News

In The News
Net Zero Investor | Sep 01, 2022
A new study has estimated that the global net present value (NPV) of stranded assets in fossil fuels could be $30.6tn under a scenario where net zero is achieved by 2050 (Net Zero Investor)
The Hill | Aug 31, 2022
Commentary cites Joint Program Report on the climate mitigation potential of U.S. urban infrastructure albedo enhancement (The HIll)
In The News
Yahoo! | Aug 29, 2022
Extreme events are contributing to high prices, says MIT Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev (Fortune, Yahoo!)
In The News
MIT Technology Review | Aug 25, 2022
MIT is all about making the world a better place. This special report on the Climate Grand Challenges initiative looks at how the Institute’s problem solvers are stepping up to help save the planet from the devastating effects of global warming. (Technology Review)
In The News
Washington Post | Aug 05, 2022
MIT's Noelle Selin and John Sterman comment on potential air quality and climate benefits (Washington Post)
In The News
Canary Media | Aug 01, 2022
The Auxin Solar tariff investigation and uncertainties around tax incentives tanked progress, according to a new American Clean Power report (Canary Media)
In The News
TRENDS MENA | Jul 28, 2022
Recent studies suggest that electric vehicles may not eliminate all emissions even by 2050, particularly those related to mining and battery production (TRENDS MENA)
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Around Campus
MIT EAPS | Jun 30, 2022
With over 200 published papers, multiple books, and countless media appearances, Emanuel’s 41 years at MIT have been marked by influential research into hurricane formation and climate change outreach
The Conversation | Jun 21, 2022
MIT Joint Program Co-Director Emeritus John Reilly lays out 'doable and affordable' policy roadmap (The Conversation) (Republished in MarketWatch and Fast Company)
Around Campus
MIT research highlights the opportunity to rethink global air quality guidelines
