Joint Program In the News

In The News
New York Times | Dec 12, 2012

By: Kate Galbraith

AUSTIN, TEXAS — The harm that can be caused by consuming or breathing mercury is well known and terrible. A pregnant woman, eating too much of the wrong kind of fish, risks bearing a child with neurological damage. Adults...

In The News
The New Yorker | Dec 10, 2012

By:Elizabeth Kolbert

It’s been almost a century since the British economist Arthur Pigou floated the idea that turned his name into an adjective. In “The Economics of Welfare,” published in 1920, Pigou pointed out that private investments often impose costs on other people. Consider...

In The News
CNN Opinion | Dec 03, 2012

By: David Frum

Editor's note: David Frum, a CNN contributor, is a contributing editor at Newsweek and The Daily Beast. He is the author of eight books, including a new novel, "Patriots," and his post-election e-book, "Why Romney Lost." Frum was a special assistant...

gas power
In The News
MIT News | Nov 28, 2012

MIT researchers, using field practices, find emissions from shale gas production to be significantly lower than previous estimates.


In The News
Nature Editorial | Nov 13, 2012

This week, a reinvigorated Barack Obama returned to the White House knowing that he was poised on the edge of a fiscal cliff. Rather than relishing his victory last week, Obama must immediately set about crafting a compromise on deficit reduction with congressional leaders. The stakes could...

In The News
Wall Street Journal | Nov 13, 2012

By Keith Johnson

With the fiscal cliff looming and parts of the U.S. still digging out from the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, calls for the U.S. to adopt a carbon tax are gathering steam–even though there’s little sign of interest from Congress or the White House.

Today the...

In The News
Washington Post | Nov 13, 2012

By: Dylan Matthews

Grover Norquist made headlines Monday night for...

In The News
Washington Post | Nov 09, 2012

By: Steven Mufson, November 9

Here’s a riddle: If Congress doesn’t want to raise income tax rates but wants to raise revenue, what can it do?

One answer: Pass a carbon tax.

A relatively...

Reuters Commentary | Nov 09, 2012

(The author is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own.)


By Gerard Wynn

(Reuters) - Academics and lawmakers have proposed a U.S. carbon tax to curb...

In The News
WBUR, Here and Now | Oct 30, 2012

Whenever there’s an extreme weather event, from a hurricane to a record drought, the question always arises: Is it climate change?

MIT climate scientist Kerry Emanuel told Here & Now's Robin Young that it's hard to know for sure, but it is clear that as...
