Joint Program In the News

Around Campus
Professors Noelle Selin and Anne White will co-chair the Climate Nucleus, charged with managing and implementing MIT’s new plan
Around Campus
Fiore brings a breadth of expertise in climate science, atmospheric chemistry, and air pollution to MIT (Related: School of Science welcomes new faculty)
The Hill | Aug 18, 2021
MIT Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev explores potential responses to findings in the latest IPCC report (The Hill)
In The News
NBC/NECN | Aug 11, 2021
MIT Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev explains initial findings of the 2021 IPCC Report (NBC/NECN) (Related: NECN)
In The News
Boston Globe | Aug 09, 2021
Findings in latest UN IPCC report are alarming, says MIT Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev (Boston Globe)
In The News
CNBC | Jul 26, 2021
Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev shares MIT projections for decarbonizing the electric vehicle infrastructure (CNBC)
In The News
National Geographic | Jul 19, 2021
If we’re to avoid extreme warming, all drilling for oil needs to stop now, experts say, but U.S. fossil fuel production is continuing.(National Geographic)
CNN | Jul 09, 2021
Commentary cites MIT Joint Program/Farm Journal Foundation report on how agriculture can help address climate change (CNN)
T&D World | Jun 09, 2021
While electrification of light-duty vehicles can contribute significantly to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, a more comprehensive approach is needed to complete the job (T&D World)
Around Campus
MIT J-WAFS | Jun 08, 2021
Ten principal investigators from seven MIT departments and labs will receive up to $150,000 for two years, overhead-free, for innovative research on global food and water challenges
