Climate Change: How Innovative Companies are Combating Global Warming

November 14, 2007,
6:00pm - 8:30pm

Speaker: Ian Bowles, Secretary, Mass. Executive Office of Energy ; Brian Bolster, Investment Banking Division, Goldman Sachs; Daniel Goldman, CFO, Great Point Energy; Phillip D. Boyle, President and COO, Powerspan; Professor Daniel Schrag, Harvard. The changing climate in favor of clean technologies has launched a "green" revolution in areas like renewables and energy efficiency, biofuels and now businesses seeking to combat global warming through innovative new technologies. Our panel of experts will examine the economic and policy drivers providing the private sector with the opportunity to play a critical role in solving the climate change problem. And they will discuss the types of businesses best poised to capitalize on such opportunities and the challenges they face to success, from technological development, to financing to customer adoption challenges.