Follows, Mick

Mick Follows
Senior Research Scientist, EAPS
Senior Research Scientist, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences




MIT 54-1514


Research Interests:
Dr. Follows seeks to understand the interactions of physical transport and biogeochemical processes which determine distributions and fluxes of elements and trace gases in the ocean and atmosphere using numerical models and analysis of observed data. He is the leader of the Darwin Project.

He is collaborating on the project Synthesis of Arctic System Carbon Cycle Research

Education + Credentials
B.S. University of Leeds, UK, 1986
Ph.D. University of East Anglia, UK, 1991

Recent Publications

Journal Article
Dutkiewicz, S., C.L. Follett, M.J. Follows, et al.  (2024). Limnology and Oceanography, (doi: 10.1002/lno.12555)
Journal Article
Meiler, S., G.L. Britten, S. Dutkiewicz, P.H. Moisander and M.J. Follows (2023). Limnology and Oceanography, 68(6), 1413-1416 (doi:
Journal Article
Gupta, M., R.G. Williams, J.M. Lauderdale, O. Jahn, C. Hill, S. Dutkiewicz and M.J. Follows  (2022). PNAS, 199(41) (doi: 10.1073/pnas.220650411)
Journal Article
Gupta, M., R.G. Williams, J.M. Lauderdale, O. Jahn, C. Hill, S. Dutkiewicz, M.J. Follows (2022). PNAS, 119 (41) (doi: 10.1073/pnas.2206504119)
Journal Article
Follett, C.L., S. Dutkiewicz; G. Forget, B.B. Cael and M.J. Follows (2021). Limnology and Oceanography, Online first (doi:

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